Thursday, November 4, 2010

Too much new, too much news

We have been recording every second of our lives with our friend Drew, who is now a part of this band.
We are completely done two songs, and will be doing a few more (hopefully six altogether).
This will be our first EP, which I forget the name of right now.

A split release with our friend Matt Hampson (Power Animal) and his project Caring Practice will be
released through Single Girl, Married Girl. This will feature our first two recordings of Lightning Bug
and Best Friends. We are hoping to have this out very, very soon for you to consume.

Two shows next week:

Wednesday: 2nd and Cecil B Moore with our great pals and heroes CABODER!

Sunday: TBA, with our girly pals from Cleveland HOT CHA CHA, and our first show with our
musical best pals DEAD WOLVES!


Also, we recently played with an amazing group of humans from Minneapolis called SPIRITS OF THE RED CITY.


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